Saturday, April 21, 2012

Naze? (Why?) part3

Chinen’s diary :
Graduation day
God, I realize that I love her, but I can’t tell it to her until the graduation day ends, because we’ve been best friend for so long. I just don’t want to break our friendship. I’m too scared. Today was actually a perfect day for me to confess but also will be the last day I meet her. Why should I leave her? Why do I have to have this disease? Why is my life span only this much left? What should I do? I can’t sleep… because I’m afraid I won’t wake up again… Megu… what should I do? Should I just take this feeling to my eternity life…??
Without any beautiful words I left her today, itaiyo… it’s my first time giving up on something… it’s my first time I can’t get what I want… is it one kind of true love? Letting myself hurt to make my love happy…
I left her, without telling my problem… my feeling… and so my disease…
Is it ok?
*Should be* the 1st day of University
Everyone is attending their 1st day as University student, but I can’t, my parents didn’t allow me to… They hired private lecturer… so my university is my home…
I wonder how is Megu’s. I heard She is attending a good university in Oosaka… I also have a friend there…. She is a good friend that I met in a community in internet…
She said she knows Megu… I think I will start to ask her about Megu every day…
Oh my … why can’t I just forget Megu?
I think that’s for today, oyasumi… I hope tomorrow I will get to know Megu’s daily …
1st time heard Megu’s daily
Anger. It’s the 1st feeling that I felt when I heard Megu’s daily. Shiba told me that there’s someone that makes you hurt.
Shiba told me to try sending letter to Megu to cheer her up and Shiba will try to protect Megu. I accepted it. But, Shiba told me not to tell her that Shiba and I know each other. I don’t know why but I accepted it. Shiba said that she will help me to send it to her without her noticing where am I and our connection.
I will send a letter to Megu every week starting tomorrow… I’m so excited. :)
After 3 months sending letters to Megu
Shiba said Megu is busy so she’d never gave any answer to my letter, and Shiba said that since now Megu will be totally busy so Shiba told me not to send letter to Megu for a while until Shiba told me to. And I accepted it again. I don’t want to disturb Megu’s study.
Ah~I hope to write letters again soon…
After 3 months stop sending letters to Megu
Shiba told me that Megu got a boyfriend today…
My heart stopped beating for a second…
Why?? WHY???!!!! I hate it.
I felt my blood run crazily to my head.
I have to rush… my life is just 3 days left…
The truth is Shiba is jealous to Megumi. Shiba always pretending to be the 1st one that help Megumi, but she is the real culprit behind the terror to people around Megumi. She wants to make Megumi suffer and lost her best friend. But Shiba didn’t expect that Chinen will show up.
Shiba doesn’t know what to do. Shiba is scared. She is trying to cover up her crime with lies. She used Megumi’s cellphone as Megumi to send bad mails to Yamada and Chinen.

To Yamada :
Yamada, I hate you. I fell in love to someone new now.
Leave me. I don’t want to meet you again.

To Chinen :
You are the worst best friend I’ve ever met.
Chinen, I’ll never accept your love.


But Shiba made mistake. The mail that she sent to Yamada and Chinen obviously seems not Megumi’s word to Yamada and Chinen.
After got the mail, Yamada felt there’s someone that wants to break his relationship with Megumi. And then he rushed to Megumi’s place.
Like Yamada, Chinen is noticing something wrong too. Chinen knows Megumi for so long. Chinen knows that Megumi will never try to tell something bad to people even though she is hurt.

To be continued….


  1. Chinen kun wa kawaisou na.... TT_TT *banjir*

    naze? naze? naze? why should be like that?
    apa yang akan terjadi dalam 3 hari? serius cuma 3 hari? gak bisa diperpanjang lagi? 3 dekade misal...hehe

    waiting for the next episode....

  2. huaaa penyakitnya chinen apaa? =="
    hiks sumpaah ga nyangka kalo shiba yang di balik semuanyaa ==@

    waiting for next episode :D


  3. @Yuyu chan
    sou da ne.... hahaha

    cause i want to... haha
    it's just a fanfiction dayo...
    klo 3 dekade klamaan... nanti dia udah tinggal tulang dong... hahaha

    the last episode will be published at at 3.44pm... hehe

    thanks for reading and the comment... :)

    @MK tw film Say Hello For Me ga? itu nama film jepang, d dlmnya ada crita ttg org yg punya pnyakit sjenis insomnia lg, j ktika dia tdur itu kmungkinan bsar dia ga kan bsa bangun lg... aku terinspirasi dri itu... hehehe tpi aku lupa nama pnyakitnya apa... hehehe
    btw, mksih udah baca dan comment... hihihi
